
MoA Countdown Day TwentyFive

Through September I'll post all the things that I’m looking forward to in Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan and sort of hoping/thinking that could happen. A post every day! If I can stay in schedule, it's surely a miracle. 

Of course I hope I'm amusing someone else besides myself and I’d love to hear what you think, if you agree or disagree or if I missed something. Obviously not every thing is going to make the list, since I have exactly 32 things to post. The last one will go up on October 2nd. And if you're wondering, these are not in any special order.

25)Finally finding out what Mark of Athena means

Why is it so bad? Why is there a prophecy about it? Why is it Annabeth’s duty? What does the Mark part of it mean? Is it a literal mark or just referring to something? And does it mean literally burning through Rome? Wait, which Rome? 


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