
Day Five! Countdown to MoA! WOOHOO!

(Today's post is a little since I actually had things to do! *gasp*)

Through September I'll post all the things that I’m looking forward to in Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan and sort of hoping/thinking that could happen. A post every day! If I can stay in schedule, it's surely a miracle. 

Of course I hope I'm amusing someone else besides myself and I’d love to hear what you think, if you agree or disagree or if I missed something. Obviously not every thing is going to make the list, since I have exactly 32 things to post. The last one will go up on October 2nd. And if you're wondering, these are not in any special order. 

It's been a week soon so I'm sort of excited. *happy dance*

5) Jason and Reyna... just talking? 

Love triangles aside, these two must have been unstoppable as praetors and I see them as this kick ass team. 

Anyway, I still can't wait for them to meet again! I firmly believe that these two are a formidable pair and that they'll take their enemies down swiftly and honourably. Octavian and the Giants should be shaking the in their boots just because of what these two can accomplish! And when you throw in Percy, you have three very frightening praetors in you hands...

I'm also not ashamed to admit that I'm sort of both looking forward to and slightly nervous about them meeting and trying to keep peace. I bet there's going to be some awkwardness and tension and maybe some bittersweet moments? So looking forward to that, especially since both might want to hug each other but you know they won't. At least I don't think so, I just see Reyna as more reserved and Jason's just that shy. 

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